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Ask Miss Mott

Ask Miss Mott

Data publikacji: Oct. 07, 2019

Język: polski

Liczba stron: 217

ISBN:: 9788381486217

Opis książki:

Miss Mott quickly rose from the sound of knocking at her office door. She was engaged in the typical task of writing her advice to a young woman whose relationship with the acquisition had been pulled in, and she forgot the flight time. Her typist left, her ambassador was a boy and a shy but very nice young clerk who helped her in various activities. In other words, Miss Mott was alone on the top floor of the building, not far from Adelphi, and she did not wait for the subscriber during an hour that had passed during the working hours.

Original title https://poczytajto.pl/ask-miss-mott-e-phillips-oppenheim.html




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