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The Passionate Quest

The Passionate Quest

Data publikacji: Oct. 01, 2019

Język: polski

Liczba stron: 328

ISBN:: 9788381485296

Opis książki:

The Passionate Quest is the story of Rosina, Philip and Matthew, who work in rural England in the glass factory owned by Rosinas uncle. All three dream of a different life: Rosina wants to be an actress, Philip a poet, and Matthew hopes for a career in high finance. They all go off to London in the passionate quest for their dreams. This 1927 novel by Edward Phillips Oppenheim where problems arise in a family business. Oppenheim inherited a leather company from his father and ran it for 20 years before he became a full time author. The business of leather features in a number of his novels. He was acutely aware of class behavior and distinctions. An enjoyable read!

Original title https://poczytajto.pl/the-passionate-quest-e-phillips-oppenheim.html




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